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9 Iconic LGBTQ+ Musical Artists

By Andrew Grant:

Undoubtedly, the world is gradually becoming a more accepting place for the LGBTQ+

community. However, despite decades of campaigning, protesting, and fighting the good

fight, there are still many struggles faced by members of the community, no matter country,

status, race, or gender identity.

Being in the public eye as a celebrity potentially adds to the criticism surrounding sexual

orientation and gender identity but also to the responsibility to use a platform to speak up

against prejudice and fight for acceptance. Facing this, throughout history people with

influence have continued to use their platforms for good and to let their fans know it’s ok to be gay!

Since 1994, each October has been a celebration of LGBTQ+ History. Originally named

Lesbian & Gay History Month, this time of year also includes National Coming Out Day

(October 11) and the anniversary of the first-ever march for gay rights in Washington in

October 1979.

Unfortunately, but as expected, LGBTQ+ History Month has faced criticism and backlash from several organizations. Despite this, the celebrations grow globally year after year, with

several school districts now recognizing, getting involved, and showing their support too.

As it’s never too late to spread the message of diversity and inclusivity, we have put together

a list of 9 of the world's greatest musical artists who not only identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community but have publicly stood firm for what they believe.


Andrew Grant is the founder of After two decades in and around the music industry, he now spends his time discovering, testing and writing about music, tech & all things audio.

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