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Astrology Forecast, July 2019


Updated: Sep 2, 2019

By Angel Lopez:

The astrology of July is bold and emotionally driven as we settle into the depths of Cancer season, a time when our intuitive nature comes out to play. We should pay close attention to the whispers and shouts of our life in order to see which direction to walk in. The goal is to be sensitive to your surroundings without letting your guard down. First and foremost, we should be sensitive to our own needs before tending to anyone else’s.

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Cancer also rules the personal foundation that we’ve built our lives upon. This includes our home, our work life and daily routine, our connection to our body, mind, and spirit, and the relationships we hold most dear. Is the foundation a sturdy one, and does it support the life we truly want to be living right now? Or are we teetering on an old infrastructure, constructed off of a blueprint that no longer serves our needs? We better get clear on it, as the time to start building is fast approaching, and we shouldn’t raise any structures that we don’t believe in. It won’t be pretty if we have to rip them down later.

July kicks off with the Cancer new moon on the 2nd, and it’s also a solar eclipse, which means its energy will be amplified.

This new moon gives us the opportunity to set intentions for what we want to grow in our life. In what areas do we need a stronger support? We should use this moment as an opportunity to challenge ourselves in dreaming beyond the ceiling, the one we may not even realize has been self-imposed on our personal vision for the future.

Can we allow ourselves to dream something bigger for our lives, or to even just connect to the dream we’ve squashed down inside but still hold close to our hearts?

The energy at hand is calling us to step up and take responsibility for these dreams; but first, we have to trust we can attain them. And we can, if we’d just fully believe in ourselves. And do the work. We must do the work it takes to build that dream. But again, the energy is there for us, if we choose to move toward it.

We also have the Capricorn full moon on July 16th, which is when we should really start to see the transformation taking shape. If we haven’t begun to move ourselves toward some kind of change by then, life’s contractions will start to pressure us to do so.
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A great shift wants to happen for you, so either you welcome it and take the necessary steps toward manifesting it or you succumb to its will. Either way will be challenging, so it’s best to be seated in the front seat rather than to be locked in the trunk. This full moon could bring on some sudden shifts too. Life could change entirely as you know it in some area of your life. Again, do your best to welcome it as a move toward positive growth. Or it could just be the shakeup you need to finally realize that it’s now or never when it comes to pursuing those deeply felt goals.

The infamous Mercury retrograde will also show up this July, affecting all of us from the 7th until August 2nd.

A retrograde is always a time to slow down and reassess matters. And because it’s initially in Leo, the fire sign of vitality, and then mostly in Cancer, the emotional sign, consider using this retrograde to check in with your heart. Make sure you’re completely in touch with your emotional body. Connect your heart with that dream and use it as a barometer. These few weeks can be a time to reorganize so that you’re prepared in August to start taking some real steps forward. Decluttering the home is the spot-on interpretation of this time, but it will also work as a decluttering of the mind. We all have to get clear so that the vision will be clear.

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We can still make some strong moves this month. It’s not all about letting go and self-analysis.

In fact, a lot of that internal work may have to happen while on the go. But that’s all the more reason to get more focused and centered internally. It will help for you to have a greater routine when it comes to checking in with yourself and your needs, feelings, and ideas. Again, make sure your heart is into what you’re doing or try to shift away from it. You don’t want to run yourself ragged on anyone or thing that doesn’t serve your dream.

Time is extremely precious, and we all deserve to spend our time on this planet in relation to something or someone we love. We all deserve to be a dream, fulfilled.

Any other kind of mentality was inherited long ago and needs to vacate the premises immediately. You may have been born into circumstances that didn’t reflect your greatness but that doesn’t mean you deserved them.

You deserve to live in a reality that shimmers with all of your beautiful light.

Angel Lopez is a film producer, writer, astrologer, and co-host of the podcast, THE SPIRITUAL GAYZ alongside his husband, our Spiritual Guru Brandon Alter. Angel has been studying and working with both tarot and astrology for twenty years. He hosted the astrology web-series, ASTRO TALK WITH ANGEL, and writes the blog ASTROLOGY REALNESS. He has also had pieces published on and The Huffington Post.

On the film side, Angel produced the Sundance Film Festival award winning film DEAR WHITE PEOPLE, as well as the features THE DINNER and STATE LIKE SLEEP. He also wrote and directed his own short film, I CAN’T WITH YOU, which had its premiere at the 2016 HollyShorts Film Festival, and he recently finished producing filmmaker Justin Simien’s second feature, BAD HAIR.

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