By Annie Newcomer:

Flapper Press Poetry Café continues to feature the work of poets from around the world.
Today, we feature the poems and projects of Hiram Larew.

Hiram Larew's poems have appeared recently in journals such as Contemporary American Voices, Poetry South, and Honest Ulsterman and have been nominated for several Pushcart prizes.
We reached out to Hiram to ask him about his influences and inspirations.
AN: How and when did you come to Poetry?
HL: Poetry has been my favorite teacher. Why? Because of its power to change words into skies.
AN: What do you hope people will take away from your poems?
HL: I'm always looking for a poem with wings.
Below, Hiram shares some information on several of the projects he is involved with:
The Poetry X Hunger Initiative:
The Poetry X Hunger initiative is bringing poets from around the world to the anti-hunger cause. I've led a number of workshops, college classes, and the like in discussions about poetry that speaks back to hunger.
Voices of Woodlawn is a poetry homage to the mostly unknown enslaved people at historic Woodlawn Plantation in Virginia. I invited three African American poets to join me for a day at Woodlawn, and some of the resulting poems, combined with harmonica music, have been presented multiple times over the last several months.
Now completed, this project, as supported by a local arts and humanities council, featured poems by five African American poets and one American Indian poet as framed artwork. The Project was displayed widely: in museums, office buildings, galleries, cafés, houses of worship, wineries, and the like. Its final showing was at the Maryland House of Delegates.
You can find Hiram Larew on Facebook @Hiram Larew, Poet and at

Any Moment Of
O for smooth and flow
and bending towards
O for over vines and dripping bright
like eyes that whistle through
O for lights and hearts
their turning so
to more and more
O for smooth or near
on winds of where
O for any moments of
all silence said
then ever on
O for thus until
and then
for every shining breath

What if fruit got left out too long
for love of course but better?
And what if beans were put down in jars as
children grab swings
but tart as well
and lids at last?
Or what if summers all walked back in time
like sour milk perhaps for years and years
to froth?
And what if joy
turned into this and more --
as worlds of fresh
were made to change
And open crocks brewed such grins
for peering in?
What if worlds were swirled around
With stirs as much as every spoon can do
at wonders soon to be?

The stars in your chest—
the sounds of their glow
their flash blink wings
their touch top skies.
These leaps towards light—
these grateful urging holy stars
in your chest and now in your throat.
Their voices of beams
even into your heart and beyond.
Their blaze—
each star that starts in your chest
and spins out from there.
Spins you as nothing else can
as magic comes true
with your chances so inside and out.
With each and every star
so over the moon.
(This poem first appeared in Orbis.)
FlapperPress launches the Flapper Press Poetry Café.
Presenting a wide range of poetry with a mission to promote a love and understanding of poetry for all. We welcome submissions for compelling poetry and look forward to publishing and supporting your creative endeavors. Submissions may also be considered for the Pushcart Prize.
Submission Guidelines:
1. Share at least three (3) poems
2. Include a short bio of 50–100 words, written in the third person.
(Plus any website and links.)
3. Share a brief backstory on each submitted poem
4. Submit an Author's photo and any images you want to include with the poems
5. Send all submissions and questions to: