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Dandelion, my house chicken. A true story by Kim Carr for animal lovers of all ages.


Can you imagine what it would be like to have a pet chicken in your house? What do they like to eat? Are they neat housemates or messy? Are they quiet at night? It is one thing to have a pet cat or dog in the house, but a pet CHICKEN?!


Join me as I take you on grand adventures around the farm with Dandelion and her duckling best friend, Buttercup. This fun and educational journey follows Dandelion and Buttercup from hatchlings to adulthood. I'll show you what it’s like to live on a farm, and how Dandelion manages to live INSIDE the house with ME!


A chicken biography for those who love to read real-life stories!


* If you would like Kim to autograph or personalize the book, please provide the name (s) by sending us a note! 

Dandelion by Kim Carr

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