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Astrological Forecast, June 2019

By Angel Lopez:

This June kicks off with Gemini season, and it certainly did not come to play. When the sun’s moving through Gemini, it’s time to place communication and connection at the forefront. With others, for sure, but even more importantly with yourself.

Specifically, this month wants you to pay attention to the relationship between your heart and your head:

How is what you’re feeling helping to guide your decisions?
Are you giving more power to analysis than you are to instinct?
And how are your choices affecting the bigger picture of where you want to head with the rest of this year, and with your life?

Though Gemini is ruled by the mind and likes to get things done, it will be important to give weight to your heart’s desires—that is if you want to actualize the great opportunity for growth and transformation we all have available to us this year.

As we kick off this month, a bunch of planets are having loud, productive conversations with each other. Mercury and Jupiter are in a big old chat with Neptune, which asks you to turn toward stillness and silence when your mind tries to get the best of you.

You must head toward making choices for your life that feel good for your well-being and not toward what is simply sensible. This may involve some big risks, so you have to be clear in order for your gut to have a voice at the table.

If you find yourself existing solely in your head, take what I call a “silence time out.” Close your eyes. Breathe and count slowly to ten. And then, just allow the leftover silence to float into your head, even if just for a moment, so that you can be reminded that the words in there don’t rule you. In fact, you rule them.

So, choose to fill your head with affirmations of personal growth, self-love, and acceptance. That’s how the mind can be a tool instead of your leader.

If allowed, thoughts will just talk your fears and doubts and decisions into circles without achieving any results or insights. Most of the time, our thoughts are fueled by doubt or worry. And neither should have a voice when making important life decisions.

If you need some more help detaching from those thoughts, go and get some "out in the world" experience and let outer connection fuel your current round of self-inquiry. Get yourself into nature and let it guide you back toward inner harmony. You may also talk to someone trusted about what’s going on so that you can get a new perspective on your situation. Or, just simply turn away from asking your “self” and ask spirit for some guidance. Then, get quiet and keep your eyes wide open to the symbols and signs being shown your way; and really trust them when they show up!

Neptune, the planet that rules all things spirit, is also actively chatting it up with Venus, Saturn, and Pluto at the start of the month, informing more of the greater transformation at hand for this year. We are all being called to level up in some way and to take more responsibility for our dreams and goals in 2019. So deeply consider, and perhaps be inspired by, those who show up for you during the first week of June. Let your interactions show you whose energy doesn’t mix well with yours and do what you can to create some distance there. There will be others who feel like kin and will remind you that you aren’t alone in the struggle. Those are the ones to partner with in June. Know that a lot of us are out there, deep in the trenches of self-discovery and personal growth with you, so it’s okay to ask for an empathetic hand when you need one. And, they may even have some wisdom, a clue, or a job to share with you.

Though June does want you to focus your energy inward more, you can’t help but to collaborate and explore when needed. Again, trust your gut instincts when it comes to the people you encounter and the places you go. I can’t stress enough how important it is right now to let your intuitive self be the ruler of the roost this month. It will be easy to let your mind be the guide. It’s what we have all grown to trust and know, and Gemini thrives in it. But you have to learn to use it for good. And your highest self does not exist in a bubble near your brain. It’s sourced from spirit. Others may think you’re nuts when you’re guided by your inner light because some of your moves just won’t make sense to them. But, trust within yourself is all you truly need. And if you don’t trust a move, by the way, then don’t make it. No one is saying you must change now. Transformation can be slow. Evolution didn’t happen in one night. But you can make some forward motion this month if you challenge yourself to lean optimistically toward your dreams.

In all, don’t be afraid to let the world see the authentic you this month.

No one is perfect or has it all figured out. And we all need the help of others to get by. But remember, it starts with the help we give ourselves. Do what you can to use that little voice in your head to send words of loving kindness your way.

Look directly into your eyes each and every day and say, “I love you. I got you.” It all starts there.


Angel Lopez is a film producer, writer, astrologer, and co-host of the podcast, THE SPIRITUAL GAYZ alongside his husband, our Spiritual Guru Brandon Alter. Angel has been studying and working with both tarot and astrology for twenty years. He hosted the astrology web-series, ASTRO TALK WITH ANGEL, and writes the blog ASTROLOGY REALNESS. He has also had pieces published on and The Huffington Post.

On the film side, Angel produced the Sundance Film Festival award winning film DEAR WHITE PEOPLE, as well as the features THE DINNER and STATE LIKE SLEEP. He also wrote and directed his own short film, I CAN’T WITH YOU, which had its premiere at the 2016 HollyShorts Film Festival, and he recently finished producing filmmaker Justin Simien’s second feature, BAD HAIR.

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